Please follow following steps OR copy this contains and create a batch file to run all commands.
remScript used to manually reregister Internet Explorer and Shell related *.dlls remAlso included the Digital Signing and Cryptographic Provider *. dlls if needed remrundll32.exe advpack.dll /DelNodeRunDLL32 C:\WINNT\System32\dacui.dll rem rundll32.exe advpack.dll /DelNodeRunDLL32 C:\WINNT\Catroot\icatalog.mdb rem regsvr32 setupwbv.dll /s remregsvr32 wininet.dll /s regsvr32comcat.dll /s regsvr32CSSEQCHK.DLL /s regsvr32shdoc401.dll /s regsvr32shdoc401.dll /i /s regsvr32asctrls.ocx /s regsvr32oleaut32.dll /s regsvr32shdocvw.dll /I /s regsvr32shdocvw.dll /s regsvr32browseui.dll /s regsvr32browsewm.dll /s regsvr32browseui.dll /I /s regsvr32 msrating.dll /s regsvr32mlang.dll /s regsvr32hlink.dll /s remregsvr32 mshtml.dll /s regsvr32mshtmled.dll /s regsvr32urlmon.dll /s regsvr32plugin.ocx /s regsvr32sendmail.dll /s remregsvr32 comctl32.dll /i /s remregsvr32 inetcpl.cpl /i /s remregsvr32 mshtml.dll /i /s regsvr32scrobj.dll /s regsvr32mmefxe.ocx /s remregsvr32 proctexe.ocx mshta.exe /register /s regsvr32 corpol.dll /s regsvr32jscript.dll /s regsvr32msxml.dll /s regsvr32imgutil.dll /s regsvr32thumbvw.dll /s regsvr32cryptext.dll /s regsvr32rsabase.dll /s remregsvr32 triedit.dll /s remregsvr32 dhtmled.ocx /s regsvr32inseng.dll /s regsvr32iesetup.dll /i /s remregsvr32 hmmapi.dll /s regsvr32cryptdlg.dll /s regsvr32actxprxy.dll /s regsvr32dispex.dll /s regsvr32occache.dll /s regsvr32occache.dll /i /s regsvr32iepeers.dll /s remregsvr32 wininet.dll /i /s regsvr32urlmon.dll /i /s remregsvr32 digest.dll /i /s regsvr32cdfview.dll /s regsvr32webcheck.dll /s regsvr32mobsync.dll /s regsvr32pngfilt.dll /s regsvr32licmgr10.dll /s regsvr32icmfilter.dll /s regsvr32hhctrl.ocx /s regsvr32inetcfg.dll /s remregsvr32 trialoc.dll /s regsvr32tdc.ocx /s regsvr32MSR2C.DLL /s regsvr32msident.dll /s regsvr32msieftp.dll /s regsvr32xmsconf.ocx /s regsvr32ils.dll /s regsvr32msoeacct.dll /s remregsvr32 wab32.dll /s remregsvr32 wabimp.dll /s remregsvr32 wabfind.dll /s remregsvr32 oemiglib.dll /s remregsvr32 directdb.dll /s regsvr32inetcomm.dll /s remregsvr32 msoe.dll /s remregsvr32 oeimport.dll /s regsvr32msdxm.ocx /s regsvr32dxmasf.dll /s remregsvr32 laprxy.dll /s /s /s /s /s regsvr32danim.dll /s regsvr32Daxctle.ocx /s regsvr32lmrt.dll /s regsvr32datime.dll /s regsvr32dxtrans.dll /s regsvr32dxtmsft.dll /s remregsvr32 vgx.dll /s regsvr32WEBPOST.DLL /s regsvr32WPWIZDLL.DLL /s regsvr32POSTWPP.DLL /s regsvr32CRSWPP.DLL /s regsvr32FTPWPP.DLL /s regsvr32FPWPP.DLL /s remregsvr32 FLUPL.OCX /s regsvr32wshom.ocx /s regsvr32wshext.dll /s regsvr32vbscript.dll /s regsvr32scrrun.dll mstinit.exe /setup /s regsvr32msnsspc.dll /SspcCreateSspiReg /s regsvr32msapsspc.dll /SspcCreateSspiReg /s regsvr32licdll.dll /s regsvr32regwizc.dll /s regsvr32softpub.dll /s regsvr32IEDKCS32.DLL /s regsvr32MSTIME.DLL /s regsvr32WINTRUST.DLL /s regsvr32INITPKI.DLL /s regsvr32DSSENH.DLL /s regsvr32 RSAENH.DLL /s regsvr32 CRYPTDLG.DLL /s regsvr32Gpkcsp.dll /s regsvr32Sccbase.dll /s regsvr32Slbcsp.dll /sexit
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